Thursday, April 17, 2014

Site Redesign
(Tip #3 FROM Tips Email sent 4/17/14)
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One of the best things about the digital world is that it's not static.  All too often sites are designed and abandoned for years at a time.  Your site may have been the latest and greatest technology and design style of the time but because the internet is a fluid marketing environment changes are rapid.  You wouldn't live with home decor from the 70's or 80's so why would you settle with outdated designs on a site meant to produce trust in your brand and ultimately revenue for your company?  You shouldn't.

Here are a few tips that it's time to update or even dump your old site in favor of a new one.

1. The design doesn't compare well to your competitors or other trendy sites
2. Slow load times
3. Lack luster engagement
4. Outdated code - ask a web designer to evaluate
5. Visitor complaints
6. Poor navigation
7. Broken links and outdated information

This doesn't mean you have to lose everything that your old site worked for it just means that it's probably time for an update.

The upside is the reveal.  Revealing your brand's new website to your target market is most often a positive and will generate activity.  It's an opportunity to announce your new look and bring attention to your products and services.  If you time new campaigns or discount incentives to coincide with your site launch the result will likely bring new business and revive old business.  Good things happen when you are actively promoting your marketing message.

In the end, the optimization and design of your site as well as your marketing strategy is a continuous process.  By testing new features and monitoring customer feedback, your new site will be able to evolve with consumer preferences and remain an integrated part of your marketing plan. Website Solutions

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