Monday, March 3, 2014

How and Why Do You Use A Hashtag?

Are you still confused on how to use a hashtag?  Let's break it down.  A hashtag is simply the string that ties like topics together on twitter.  Place the (#) sign in front of key phrases spelled out without spaces.  For example, #FreeMarketingTips or #Oscars2014.  By doing this, tweets will appear in the same stream for twitter users who are not otherwise connected and who talk about the same topic using specific hashtags. Are you familiar with the expression "trending"?  This means that popular hashtagged words become trending topics that people are talking about.  This makes it easy to join a live online conversation during conferences, events, or marketing campaigns. Fans of TV shows can tweet about an episode or event such as the Oscars  in real time. The entertainment industry has used this as a marketing tool and regularly encourage fans to tweet using a specific hashtag. They promote the hashtag prior to the event or use the same one on a continual basis so that the audience knows what to search for and to include in their tweets so that tweets  fall under the same keyword or phrase. The hit show The Walking Dead has capitalized on the use of hashtags by actively encouraging fans to tweet. A specific hashtag is advertised during the airing of the episode then on  the "after show" called Talking Dead which airs immediately following The Walking Dead,   the tweets and trending phrases of fans are incorporated into the show's discussion platform. Trending phrases are discussed in detail by the host which allows for real time interaction between fans and the show. 

Because a hashtag is text, you don't need any special tools to create one.  Just decide on the keyword you are targeting, place the pound sign in front of it and you are ready to go.

5 Things To Consider

1.  Don't steal hashtags on sensitive subject matter.  Promoting your brand using trending hashtags of disasters, war, tragedies, or deaths will be met with disapproval and lead to bad consequences. Don't insert yourself into these trending conversations.  It's just bad business and will make you very unpopular.

2. Incorporate hashtags into other marketing channels.  A hashtag is only useful if people know about it.  Add the hashtag to marketing collateral for a special event, share on a website landing page and on social media.  Get the word out so that your marketing campaign will be more successful. For example, if you are holding a webinar, promote the hashtag during sign up, email reminders and again at the start of the webinar.

3. Consider other ways people could interact with your hashtag.  Choose words wisely and anticipate negative responses. If you ask for people to share stories of their experiences be prepared for negative tweets in addition to positive ones.  Don't open a can of worms that can't be shut.  Think before you tweet.

4. Visit and enter your chosen keyword or phrase into the search box.  If someone else is already using that particular hashtag then you might want to reconsider your decision.  This could cause confusion and water down the topic you are trying to share. Mixed tweets about two different things will yield bad results.

5. Remember "Short and Sweet" is always better and easier to remember. Keep tweets including hashtags brief because Twitter only allows up to 140 characters per tweet.

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