Thursday, May 30, 2013

Eco-Friendly Business Practices

There is an increasing global awareness to preserving the environment.  From the use of green materials in home construction including energy efficient appliances, solar panels and low flow water systems to mandatory curb side recycling, the signs are all around us.  How can this trend to “go green” translate to your business and marketing?  You can move toward a green business in a number of ways.

Walmart is currently the number one solar initiative company in America with more photovoltaics on their buildings than any other company and they also run some of their buildings with wind energy.  The hospitality industry as well as hospitals and other large offices use eco-friendly cleaning products which reduces the environmental footprint. Restaurants are taking advantage of local food sources adding fresh homegrown flavor while reducing the amount of miles driven by delivery trucks.  Organically grown foods are healthier choices produced with little to no pesticides. The printing industry offers recycled paper stocks and soy based inks. Health and wellness continues to be a growing trend in 2013 so targeting that segment of the market is key to business growth.

If you are making an effort to be “Green” your target market needs to know.  It is good marketing to boast that your business is eco-friendly.

If applicable to your business, add the green recycling symbol to your website and marketing materials. Print marketing materials on recycled paper.  Use eco-friendly promotional items for giveaways. Imprinted pens now come in biodegradable corn plastic and recycled cardboardDesign menus to showcase entrees that feature locally grown items. Include a few lines in your marketing media that highlight how your business is helping to save the environment whether its on-site solar power, renewable energy, cotton imprinted wearables, lowering the office thermostat to conserve energy or the use of a simple green inspired business card. 

By acting on these and other “Green” marketing strategies you will not only be doing your part toward a greener environment but also adding like-minded customers to your customer base. Consumers trust companies that adopt eco-friendly business practices.  So, If making a difference is important to you then consider incorporating environmental business strategies into your formal marketing plan to create a competitive advantage. 

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